Supporting Education

2023 Teachers Fest

Our Work in Education

The Gatsby Showcase Foundation sees education as a critical to its mission of empowering disadvantaged groups communities to achieve economic independence. To create an impact and make a difference, we have partnered with several organizations over the years, who share our common vision. Some of our notable and recent work in education include:

Supporting the Teachers’ Festival:

The Gatsby Showcase is an annual sponsor for the Teachers’ Festival. This is a non-profit organization which celebrates, uplifts, recognizes and honor educators, education students and retired educators worldwide.

Supporting the Sitar Arts Center:

The Gatsby Showcase Foundation supports the Sitar Arts Center through fiscal sponsorships. The Sitar Arts Center is a nonprofit organization which engages DC youth, from early childhood to young adulthood, in building a creative community of learning and belonging that removes financial and cultural barriers to arts education and career training.

Supporting students through scholarships:

The Gatsby Showcase Foundation supports historically marginalized students internationally by providing grants and scholarships to students in Kenya and Cameroon.